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Report No.

Fast Reactor Cycle Technology Development Project (FaCT Project); A Design study on an engineering-scale hot test facility (Interim report)

Nakamura, Hirofumi ; Nagai, Toshihisa ; Suto, Toshiyuki ; Kosaka, Ichiro; Nakazaki, Katsutoshi; Suto, Shinya; Nakamura, Tomotaka; Nakabayashi, Hiroki ; Hayashi, Naoto; Sumida, Daisaku

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been conducting "Fast Reactor Cycle Technology Development Project (FaCT Project)" for the purposes of researching and developing the technologies for the fast breeder reactor cycle commercialization since Japanese fiscal year (JFY) 2007. Based on the above R&D program for reprocessing system, the engineering-scale hot test would provide demonstration data on the specification, operation and maintenance of the adapted innovative technologies, system and plant. And more, these results would be fed to the design of the demonstration facility planning on the FaCT project road map. This report is the interim report of design studies about the engineering-scale hot test facility and includes not only design of the equipment and facility, but also consideration for design principle, requirements and facility basic planning.



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