Irradiation growth of graphite reflector installed in JRR-4
八木 理公 ; 堀口 洋徳; 横尾 健司 ; 大山 光樹; 楠 剛
Yagi, Masahiro; Horiguchi, Hironori; Yokoo, Kenji; Oyama, Koji; Kusunoki, Tsuyoshi
A crack had been found on the weld of one reflector element in JRR-4. A survey revealed that the cause for the crack was the expansion of graphite reflector in the reflector element. It appeared that the expansion of graphite reflector was caused by fast neutron irradiation at low temperature. The survey confirmed radiographically that graphite reflectors in the other reflector elements without the crack expanded similarly by the irradiation growth. Irradiated graphite reflectors were carefully observed and were precisely measured the three dimensions after dismantling the irradiated reflector elements in order to understand quantitatively the irradiation growth behavior of IG-110 graphite under the JRR-4 operation condition. As the results, it was confirmed that growth of graphite reflectors increased with increasing of fast neutron fluence. The maximum irradiation growth per fast neutron fluence was 7.1310%m/n, the minimum was 4.2110%m/n, the average was 5.7110%m/n in the range of fast neutron fluence below 2.510n/m.