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 年 ~ 

Conservative global gyrokinetic toroidal full-$$f$$ 5D Vlasov simulation


井戸村 泰宏   ; 徳田 伸二; 相羽 信行; 浦野 創

Idomura, Yasuhiro; Tokuda, Shinji; Aiba, Nobuyuki; Urano, Hajime


A new global gyrokinetic toroidal full-$$f$$ five dimensional Vlasov simulation GT5D is developed based on the gyrokinetic theory and the linear Fokker-Planck collision operator. In a normal shear tokamak, source driven ion temperature gradient turbulence simulations are performed, and turbulent transport and profile evolutions are evolved over a collision time. It is found that a significant part of the heat flux is carried by avalanches in source free regions, where stiff temperature profiles are sustained. In this region, the equilibrium radial electric field $$E_r$$ becomes significantly larger than the neoclassical level, and its shear strongly affects the directions of the avalanche propagation and the momentum flux. A non-diffusive momentum flux due to the $$E_r$$ shear is observed and non-zero (intrinsic) toroidal rotation is sustained without momentum input near the axis.



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