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Report No.

Status of food irradiation in the world

Kume, Tamikazu*; Furuta, Masakazu*; Todoriki, Setsuko*; Uenoyama, Naoki*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko

The status of food irradiation in the world in 2005 was investigated using published data, a questionnaire survey, and direct visits. The results showed that the quantity of irradiated foods in the world in 2005 was 405,000 tons and comprised 186,000 tons (46%) for disinfection of spices and dry vegetables, 82,000 tons (20%) for disinfestation of grains and fruits, 32,000 tons (8%) for disinfection of meat and fish, 88,000 tons (22%) for sprout inhibition of garlic and potato, and 17,000 tons (4%) of other food items that included health foods, mushroom, honey, etc. Commercial food irradiation is increasing significantly in Asia, but decreasing in EU.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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