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Report No.

Impurity accumulation in the main plasma and radiation processes in the divetor plasma of JT-60U

Nakano, Tomohide; Kubo, Hirotaka; Asakura, Nobuyuki; Shimizu, Katsuhiro; Higashijima, Satoru

It has been found that tungsten accumulation becomes more significant with increasing plasma rotation velocity against the plasma current direction, where negative radial electric field is formed. In a high density plasma at 62% of the Greenwald density, the tungsten accumulation levels decreased significantly, suggesting a shielding effect of the peripheral plasma. It has been found that $$mbox{C}^{3+}$$ is produced by the volume recombination of $$mbox{C}^{4+}$$ and the ionization of $$mbox{C}^{2+}$$ comparably. In contrast, the volume recombination of $$mbox{C}^{3+}$$ is not detected, and the ionization flux of $$mbox{C}^{3+}$$ is less than 1% of the $$mbox{C}^{3+}$$ generation flux. Thus, this result suggests that another loss mechanism of $$mbox{C}^{3+}$$ such as transport loss from the ${sf X}$-point is significant.



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