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Report No.

The UNSCEAR 2008 Meeting

Yoshizawa, Michio  

In the UNSCEAR 2008 Meeting, five documents were approved. This presentation overviews three of the five documents: (1) Exposures of workers and the public from various sources of radiation, (2) Medical radiation exposures, and (3) Exposures from radiation accidents. In the document 1), the annual average doses from natural sources (total 2.4 mSv/y) are the same as those in the 2000 report, but the typical range become wider. For workers, medical workers comprise the largest proportion of workers exposed from artificial sources. In the document (2), medical exposure increases in all countries, and the dose in the highest health care level counties corresponds to about 75% of the dose from natural sources. The document (3) compiles radiation accidents that cause early deterministic effects or significant exposure from environmental contamination in the members of the public. The compiled accidents are limited to those reported in published papers or submitted from the member countries.



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