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Report No.

380 keV proton irradiation effects on photoluminescence of Eu-doped GaN

Okada, Hiroshi*; Nakanishi, Yasuo*; Wakahara, Akihiro*; Yoshida, Akira*; Oshima, Takeshi

To develop light emitting devices with radiation hardness, photoluminescence properties of non- and Eu-doped GaN after proton irradiation were investigated. The samples were irradiated with protons at 380 keV up to 1$$times$$10$$^{14}$$/cm$$^{2}$$ at room temperature RT. The photoluminescence properties for the samples were measured at RT. As a results, the luminescence properties for non-doped GaN much decrease due to irradiation at 1$$times$$10$$^{13}$$/cm$$^{2}$$. On the other hand, for Eu-doped GaN, the luminescence properties that correspond to the transition did not show any degradation after irradiation at 1$$times$$10$$^{14}$$/cm$$^{2}$$.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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