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Report No.

Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory project research and development plan in Phase 2; H20-21

Iwatsuki, Teruki  ; Sato, Haruo; Tanai, Kenji ; Inagaki, Manabu; Sawada, Atsushi ; Niinuma, Hiroaki; Ishii, Eiichi   ; Maekawa, Keisuke  ; Tomura, Goji; Sanada, Hiroyuki; Kunimaru, Takanori; Asamori, Koichi; Niizato, Tadafumi  ; Tokiwa, Tetsuya; Sugita, Yutaka ; Yamazaki, Masanao; Nakamura, Takahiro; Fujita, Tomoo ; Taniguchi, Naoki ; Kobayashi, Yasushi; Hayashi, Katsuhiko; Saito, Yuya; Tachi, Yukio  ; Iijima, Kazuki  ; Sasamoto, Hiroshi   

The research and development plan for geological investigation, engineering technology and safety assessment during the drilling of a shaft down to intermediate depth are summarized according to the Midterm Plan till 2009 Fiscal year of JAEA. This report describes subject, current status and programme in the "Phase 2: Construction phase" (investigations during construction of the underground facilities). Furthermore regarding R&D plan in next Midterm Plan of JAEA, preliminary ideas are summarized.



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