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 年 ~ 

Dynamic neutron computer tomography technique for velocity measurement in liquid metal flow; Fundamental PTV experiment

液体金属流の速度計測技術"ダイナミック中性子トモグラフィ技術"; 粒子追跡法基礎試験

呉田 昌俊   ; 熊田 博明; 久米 悦雄 ; 染矢 聡*; 岡本 孝司*

Kureta, Masatoshi; Kumada, Hiroaki; Kume, Etsuo; Someya, Satoshi*; Okamoto, Koji*


The aim of this development is to visualize and measure the velocity distribution in liquid metal flow using the neutron beam with the high-speed imaging technique, computer tomography (CT) technique and particle tracking velocimetry (PTV). Final research purpose is to obtain the velocity distribution and flow profile data of liquid metal flow in a heated rod bundle for development of the FBR core. In this paper, visualization and measurement method using the JRR-4, spring model PTV method for this technique and results of the fundamental PTV experiment were reported. The fundamental experiment was conducted. As the result, cadmium tracers buried in the aluminum column with the speed of 1.5 revolving per second could be visualized as the 3D movie under 125 Hz and 250 Hz sampling conditions, the profile of the tracer could be traced, and fundamental velocity distribution measurement method could be conformed.



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