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町田 昌彦; 山田 進; Kim, M.; 田中 伶詞*; 飛田 康弘*; 岩田 亜矢子*; 青木 勇斗; 青木 和久; 柳澤 憲一*; 山口 隆司; et al.
RIST News, (70), p.3 - 22, 2024/09
福島第一原子力発電所(1F)建屋内には、原子炉内から漏洩した放射性物質の汚染により高い放射線量を示す地点が多数存在し、廃炉作業を円滑に進める上での大きな障害となっている。日本原子力研究開発機構(JAEA)は、この課題解決に貢献するため、経済産業省の廃炉・汚染水対策事業費補助金「原子炉建屋内の環境改善のための技術開発(被ばく低減のための環境・線源分布のデジタル化技術の高機能化開発)」を受託し、令和(R)5年度4月より、廃炉屋内の放射線環境改善に係るデジタル技術の研究開発事業を進めている。本事業では、前期事業(R34年度実施)にて開発した3 D-ADRES-Indoor(プロトタイプ)を発展させ、現場で活用可能な高速デジタルツイン技術より成るFrontEnd、1F新事務本館等の居室で詳細解析を行うPro、そして、収集したデータ及び解析したデータを集中管理するデータベースの役割を果たすBackEndの3つの連携システムの開発を目標としている。本報告では、この3つの連携システムの中でも現場で活用するシステムとして、点群測定後、迅速に3Dメッシュモデルを作成し、線量率の計測結果から線源を逆推定し、その推定線源の位置や強度を更に高精度化する計算技術(再観測指示と再逆推定)を有するFrontEndを中心に、その開発状況について報告し、その検証結果として5号機での試験結果を示す。また、簡単に当該事業の今後の研究開発の計画も報告する。
Ahmed, Z.*; Wu, S.*; Pellegrini, M.*; 岡本 孝司*; Sharma, A.*; 山野 秀将
Proceedings of 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation, and Safety (NTHOS-14) (Internet), 14 Pages, 2024/08
Hong, Z.*; Ahmed, Z.*; Pellegrini, M.*; 山野 秀将; Erkan, N.*; Sharma, A. K.*; 岡本 孝司*
Progress in Nuclear Energy, 171, p.105160_1 - 105160_13, 2024/06
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:96.65(Nuclear Science & Technology)本研究では、BC粉末とステンレス鋼(SS)間との共晶反応はBC粉ペレットとSS間とのそれより相当に速いことが分かった。粉末及びペレットに対して導出された反応速度定数は参考文献値によく一致している。また、粉末とペレットの場合の詳細微細構造をSEM/EDSを用いて組成分析を行った。粉末の場合、(Fe,Cr)Bからなる反応層として厚肉層が見られた。一方、ペレットの場合、2つの反応層が見られた。
Ahmed, Z.*; Sharma, A. K.*; Pellegrini, M.*; 山野 秀将; 叶野 翔*; 岡本 孝司*
Ceramics International, 50(10), p.17665 - 17680, 2024/05
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:80.43(Materials Science, Ceramics)本研究では、2つの独特な破損メカニズムを同定した。一つはBCペレットからステンレス鋼が分離した後に溶融液滴が形成する。もう一つはおそらく熱応力によってBCペレットが複数個に破壊される。可視化技術と界面抵抗解析によって共晶温度を正確に捉えた。
Ahmed, Z.*; Sharma, A. K.*; Pellegrini, M.*; 山野 秀将; 岡本 孝司*
Proceedings of Saudi International Conference On Nuclear Power Engineering (SCOPE2023) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2023/11
永井 崇之; 岡本 芳浩; 山岸 弘奈*; 柴田 大輔*; 小島 一男*; 長谷川 毅彦*; 佐藤 誠一*; 深谷 茜音*; 畠山 清司*
JAEA-Research 2023-004, 45 Pages, 2023/09
町田 昌彦; 山田 進; Kim, M.; 奥村 雅彦; 宮村 浩子; 志風 義明; 佐藤 朋樹*; 沼田 良明*; 飛田 康弘*; 山口 隆司; et al.
RIST News, (69), p.2 - 18, 2023/09
Shi, W.*; 町田 昌彦; 山田 進; 吉田 亨*; 長谷川 幸弘*; 岡本 孝司*
Progress in Nuclear Energy, 162, p.104792_1 - 104792_19, 2023/08
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:35.82(Nuclear Science & Technology)空間線量率のモニタリングに基づいて原子炉建屋内の放射源分布を予測することは、原子力発電所の廃止措置に向けた最も重要なステップの一つである。しかし、この問題は、一般には数学的には計算を行うには条件が足りない不良設定問題になり、解くことが困難である。そこで、このような不良設定問題でも線源分布の逆推定を成功させるために、損失関数を最小化する機械学習手法であるLASSOの有効性を調査する。ここで、およびはそれぞれ建屋の表面メッシュ上で定義された放射線源により構成されたベクトルおよび室内で観測された空間線量で構成されたベクトルである。また、はPHITSを用いて計算された建屋の表面メッシュと観測点の寄与率で構成される行列である。CandesとTaoの理論に基づき、線源分布を正しく予測するための観測点の個数に関する条件を数学的に見出し、実際に、LASSOでは、観測点数がこの条件を満たす限り、実際に高い可能性で線源の分布を示すことができることを確認した。さらに、検出点数が基準値より少ない場合でも、線源分布の一部が示されることを見出した。さらに、現実的な実験モデルにおいても、放射線源が逆推定できることを確認する。最後に、逆推定における予測可能性を高めるために、観測点と線源間の距離のような影響因子を調査する。以上の実証結果から、LASSOスキームは福島第一原子力発電所のような損傷した原子力発電所で見られるホットスポットを探索するのに非常に有用な方法であることを示す。
Li, C.-Y.; Wang, K.*; 内堀 昭寛; 岡野 靖; Pellegrini, M.*; Erkan, N.*; 高田 孝*; 岡本 孝司*
Applied Sciences (Internet), 13(13), p.7705_1 - 7705_29, 2023/07
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:29.08(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)For a sodium-cooled fast reactor, the capability for stable cooling and avoiding re-criticality on the debris bed is essential for achieving in-vessel retention when severe accidents occur. However, an unexploited uncertainty still existed regarding the compound effect of the heterogeneous configuration and dynamic particle redistribution for the debris bed's criticality and cooling safety assessment. Therefore, this research aims to develop a numerical tool for investigating the effects of the different transformations of the heterogeneous configurations on the debris bed's criticality/cooling assessment. Based on the newly proposed methodology in this research, via integrating the Discrete Element Method (DEM) with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Monte-Carlo-based Neutronics (MCN), the coupled CFD-DEM-MCN solver was constructed with the originally created interface to integrate two existing codes. The effects of the different bed configurations' transformations on the bed safety assessments were also quantitively confirmed, indicating that the effect of the particle-centralized fissile material had the dominant negative effect on the safety margin of avoiding re-criticality and particle re-melting accidents and had a more evident impact than the net bed-centralized effect. This coupled solver can serve to further assess the debris bed's safety via a multi-physics simulation approach, leading to safer SFR design concepts.
南上 光太郎; 塩津 弘之; 丸山 結; 杉山 智之; 岡本 孝司*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(7), p.816 - 823, 2023/07
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)For proper source term evaluation, we constructed the theoretical model to estimate the mass transfer coefficient of gaseous iodine species under two-phase flow conditions, which complicates the direct experimental measurements. The mass transfer speed is determined by the product of the overall mass transfer coefficient and the interfacial area. By using the ratio of two gas components, the interfacial area, which is an important parameter that is difficult to measure, can be canceled out and the ratio of their overall mass transfer coefficients can be obtained. This ratio is expected to be equal to the ratio of their diffusion coefficients. Therefore, the unknown mass transfer coefficient such as iodine species can be estimated using the diffusion coefficients of two gas components and the reference mass transfer coefficient such as O. We carried out the experiments using the bubble column to confirm this relationship. From the results in this study, we confirmed that the ratio of the overall mass transfer coefficient was in good agreement with the ratio of diffusion coefficient under the bubbly flow conditions. Using this relationship confirmed in this study, we estimated the mass transfer coefficient of I, one of the iodine species.
大場 洋次郎; 元川 竜平; 金子 耕士; 永井 崇之; 土川 雄介; 篠原 武尚; Parker, J. D.*; 岡本 芳浩
Scientific Reports (Internet), 13, p.10071_1 - 10071_8, 2023/06
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:59.55(Multidisciplinary Sciences)The spatial distribution of constituent elements in borosilicate glasses containing simulated high-level radioactive liquid waste (HLLW) was investigated using neutron resonance absorption imaging. The resonance absorption dips of Rh, Pd, Na, Gd, Cs, and Sm were detected in the neutron transmission spectra of the glass samples. The neutron transmission images at the resonance energies of these elements provided the spatial distributions within the glass samples. Rh and Pd led sedimentation, while Gd, Sm, and Cs were uniformly dispersed. These results clearly show the potential of neutron resonance absorption imaging for characterizing borosilicate glasses.
Shi, W.*; 町田 昌彦; 山田 進; 吉田 亨*; 長谷川 幸弘*; 岡本 孝司*
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 184, p.109686_1 - 109686_12, 2023/05
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:35.82(Nuclear Science & Technology)Clarification of radioactive source distributions is one of the most important steps in initial decommissioning of not only normally shutdown reactors but also damaged ones by accidents like Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants (FDNPP). Generally, since radioactive hot spots are restricted into specific areas in normal operating conditions, the clarification scheme can be mapped onto the inverse estimation in sparse source distributions. On the other hand, the fact that radioactive hot spots are largely spread in unknown manner as seen in FDNPP motivates to construct an inversion scheme in non-sparse source conditions. Thus, a reconstruction scheme applicable to both sparse and non-sparse radioactive distributions is highly in demand. In addition, a variety of radionuclides is produced in reactors. Thus, we also need a scheme to distinguish each source distribution in mixed multi radionuclides. In this paper, we confirm that the inverse estimation scheme using Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) method with spectral information commonly shows excellent performance in the above all situations. The proposed LASSO scheme with the spectral information enables to reduce the number of measurement points in sparse conditions, while information proliferation by sensing the spectrum makes it possible to directly reconstruct source distribution as almost solvable problems in non-sparse ones. Moreover, the LASSO scheme allows to reconstruct the source distribution of each potential radionuclide in multi-radionuclide coexisting situations. Consequently, we confirm that the LASSO scheme to reconstruct radioactive sources is promising for the future nuclear decommissioning projects widely from normally shutdown reactors to damaged ones like FDNPP.
沖田 将一朗; 水田 直紀; 高松 邦吉; 後藤 実; 吉田 克己*; 西村 洋亮*; 岡本 孝司*
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2023/05
Adoption of SiC-matrix fuel elements in future pin-in-block type HTGR designs will enhance oxidation resistance of the fuel element in the event of the air ingress accident, one of the most worrisome accidents in HTGRs. This would eliminate the need for the graphite sleeves used in the current pin-in-block type HTGR designs and enable high power density core designs with sleeveless and direct coolable fuel structure. Such a concept itself has been suggested by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) in the past. However, JAEA has not yet demonstrated the feasibility for a core design with the SiC-matrix fuel elements. The present work is intended to demonstrate the feasibility for a new core design upgraded from an existing conceptual core design, called HTR50S, with 50 MW thermal power and reactor outlet temperature of 750C. The new core design uses SiC-matrix fuel elements and increases the reactor power density to 1.2 times higher than the original HTR50S design. The feasibility is determined by whether the core satisfies the target values in nuclear and thermal-hydraulic designs by performing burn-up calculation with the whole core model and fuel temperature calculations. The calculation results showed that the new core design satisfied these target values on the reactor shutdown margin, the temperature coefficient of reactivity, and the maximum fuel temperature during normal operation.
Shi, W.*; 町田 昌彦; 山田 進; 吉田 亨*; 長谷川 幸弘*; 岡本 孝司*
Proceedings of Waste Management Symposia 2023 (WM2023) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2023/02
Clarifying hot spots of radioactive sources inside reactor building rooms based on monitoring air dose rates is one of the most essential steps in decommissioning of nuclear power plants. However, the attempt is regarded as a rather difficult task, because information obtained by air dose rate measurements is generally not enough to inversely estimate contaminated distribution among a tremendous number of potential distributions inside complex reactor building rooms as far as one uses the conventional ways. Then, in order to successfully perform the inverse estimations on source distributions even in such ill-posed circumstances, we suggest that a machine learning method, least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) is a promising scheme. Subsequently, we construct a simple room model and employ Monte Carlo simulation code, Particle and Heavy Ion Transport Systems (PHITS) to numerically test feasibility of LASSO inverse estimation scheme. Consequently, we confirm high reconstruction performance of the LASSO scheme in successfully predicting radioactive source distributions. In addition, we carry out uncertainty analysis for the inverse estimation and derive an error function describing uncertainty of the inverse estimation as a useful error estimator. Finally, we find that additional use of spectral information in the measurements can significantly decrease the number of measurement points for the present inverse estimation. In conclusion, LASSO scheme is a quite useful way to explore radioactive hot spots toward the future decommissioning of nuclear power plants.
町田 昌彦; Shi, W.*; 山田 進; 宮村 浩子; 吉田 亨*; 長谷川 幸弘*; 岡本 孝司; 青木 勇斗; 伊藤 倫太郎; 山口 隆司; et al.
Proceedings of Waste Management Symposia 2023 (WM2023) (Internet), 11 Pages, 2023/02
In order to find radioactive hot spots inside reactor building rooms from structural data together with air dose rate measurement data, Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) has been recently suggested as a promising scheme. The scheme has been examined in simplified room models and its high estimation feasibility has been confirmed by employing Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS) as a radiation simulation code. In this paper, we apply the scheme to complex room models inside real reactor buildings. The target rooms are pool canal circulation system room and main circulation system room in Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) at Oarai area, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). In these real rooms, we create STL format structural data based on Computer Aided Design (CAD) models made directly from their point group data measured by laser scanning devices, and we notice that the total number of their surface meshes in these real rooms reaches to the order of 1 million. Then, this order of the mesh number clearly indicates that one needs a simplified radiation simulation code considering only direct transmission of gamma ray as a radiation calculation instead of PHITS demanding high computational costs. By developing such a simplified code and customizing it to perform LASSO scheme, we consequently confirm that LASSO scheme driven by the simplified simulation can also successfully predict unknown radioactive hot spots on real structural models.
Hong, Z.*; Pellegrini, M.*; Erkan, N.*; Liao, H.*; Yang, H.*; 山野 秀将; 岡本 孝司*
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 180, p.109462_1 - 109462_9, 2023/01
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:35.75(Nuclear Science & Technology)実機制御棒の模擬材として、BC材とSUS304を用いて一連の実験を実施した。1450K-1500Kの温度範囲で共晶反応速度定数を得た結果、本研究で得られた反応速度定数は参照値と一致した。また、反応面の微細構造を観察し、組成分析を行った。
南上 光太郎; 石川 淳; 杉山 智之; Pellegrini, M.*; 岡本 孝司*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(11), p.1407 - 1416, 2022/11
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:80.72(Nuclear Science & Technology)To appropriately evaluate the amount of radioactive iodine released into the environment, we extended the current pool scrubbing model to consider revolatilization at bubble surfaces due to bubbly flow generated in the suppression pool, and the effect of revolatilization by bubbly flow was quantitatively evaluated using a station black out sequence in this work. Gaseous iodine species are produced in the suppression pool in an accident. They are gradually released from the pool surface, but when a large amount of gas flows from the drywell into the suppression pool, the revolatilization of gaseous iodine dissolved in the pool water is promoted by bubbly flow. The results of this study indicated that the release amount of iodine immediately after suppression chamber (S/C) vent operation increased by up to 134 times when considering the revolatilization effect associated with bubbly flow. These results were due to the increase in the gas-liquid interfacial area at bubble surfaces and the overall mass transfer coefficients under two-phase flow conditions due to bubbly flow. It was shown that caution is required for early S/C vent operation.
永井 崇之; 岡本 芳浩; 山岸 弘奈*; 小島 一男*; 猪瀬 毅彦*; 佐藤 誠一*; 畠山 清司*
JAEA-Research 2022-008, 37 Pages, 2022/10
町田 昌彦; 山田 進; Kim, M.; 奥村 雅彦; 宮村 浩子; Malins, A.; 志風 義明; 佐藤 朋樹*; 沼田 良明*; 飛田 康弘*; et al.
RIST News, (68), p.3 - 19, 2022/09
福島第一原子力発電所(1F)建屋内には、原子炉内から漏洩した放射性物質の汚染により高い放射線量を示す地点が多数存在し、廃炉作業を円滑に進める上での大きな障害の一つとなっている。この課題の解決に資するため、日本原子力研究開発機構(JAEA)は、経済産業省の廃炉・汚染水対策事業費補助金「原子炉建屋内の環境改善のための技術の開発(被ばく低減のための環境・線源分布のデジタル化技術の開発)」を受託し、令和3年6月より放射線源の逆推定と推定線源に対する対策を仮想空間にて実施するためのデジタル技術及びその関連技術の研究開発を開始した。本記事では、上記技術のコアとなる概念(逆推定に用いるLASSO: Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator)を紹介するとともに、開発技術を集約したプラットフォーム機能を持つソフトウエア: 3D-ADRES-Indoorの開発進捗と、その活用の際に重要な役割を果たす放射線量の可視化技術等の研究開発の進捗について報告する。
Rizaal, M.; 中島 邦久; 斉藤 拓巳*; 逢坂 正彦; 岡本 孝司*
ACS Omega (Internet), 7(33), p.29326 - 29336, 2022/08
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:35.22(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)Here we report an investigation of the gas-solid reaction between cesium hydroxide (CsOH) and siliceous (calcium silicate) thermal insulation at high temperature, which was postulated as the origin for the formation mechanism of cesium-bearing material emitted from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. A developed reaction furnace consisting of two heating compartments was used to study the reaction at temperatures of 873, 973, and 1073 K. Under the influence of hydrogen-steam atmospheric conditions (H/HO = 0.2), the reaction between cesium hydroxide vapor and solid thermal insulation was confirmed to occur at temperatures of 973 and 1073 K with the formation of dicalcium silicate (CaSiO) and cesium aluminum silicate (CsAlSiO). Water-dissolution analyses of the reaction products have demonstrated their stability, in particular, the CsAlSiO. Constituents similarity of the field-observed cesium-bearing materials near the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants with CsAlSiO suggests for the first time that gaseous reaction between CsOH with calcium silicate thermal insulation could be one of the original formation mechanisms of the cesium-bearing materials.