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Report No.

Conceptual design for Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor, 1; Current status of system design for JSFR

Uto, Nariaki  ; Sakai, Takaaki; Mihara, Takatsugu ; Toda, Mikio*; Kotake, Shoji; Aoto, Kazumi 

A conceptual design for JSFR and developments of innovative technologies are implemented. A compact RV has been designed to enhance the economy. The regarding development results have been reflected to the RV design. An innovative CV design has been implemented with elemental tests to reduce the construction cost. SASS and the NC DHRS have been designed to enhance the safety, with the irradiation data acquired in Joyo and the development of a 3-dimensional thermal-hydraulic evaluation method. An approach for ISI/R has been provided to be applicable for FR characteristics, and the developmental studies on innovative inspection technologies have been progressed. Other technologies including double-walled pipes with short elbows, a pump-integrated IHX are also being developed. These results, together with a preliminary conceptual design study on a demonstrative reactor for JSFR, will be utilized as resources in 2010 to determine which innovative technologies should be adopted.



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