Giant TMR effect in Granular-structured C
-Co hybrid films
境 誠司; 松本 吉弘; 菅井 勇*; 三谷 誠司*; 高梨 弘毅; 高木 康多*; 中川 剛志*; 横山 利彦*; 楢本 洋*; 前田 佳均
Sakai, Seiji; Matsumoto, Yoshihiro; Sugai, Isamu*; Mitani, Seiji*; Takanashi, Koki; Takagi, Yasumasa*; Nakagawa, Takeshi*; Yokoyama, Toshihiko*; Naramoto, Hiroshi*; Maeda, Yoshihito
-Co薄膜の磁気抵抗効果の大小を支配する構造上の要因を明確にし、巨大効果の発現機構を議論するため、磁気抵抗効果の組成依存性の系統的評価及びX線磁気円偏光二色性(XMCD)実験(Co L3端)によるスピン状態の分析を行った。巨大TMR効果を示す組成領域にあるグラニュラーC
In the present study, the V and T dependences of the TMR effect are investigated intensively for the co-deposited C
-Co films with different compositions. The mechanism of the giant TMR effect is discussed taking our recent results for the microstructures of the granular films (i.e., a hybrid structure of the covalent C
-Co compound and Co nanoparticles dispersed therein) and the electronic and spin states of the C
-Co compound studied by XPS and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) spectroscopy into account.