※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Velocity and temperature measurements of water flow in a wire-wrapped rod bundle system using temperature sensitive particles


染矢 聡*; 越智 大輔*; 大島 宏之; 岡本 孝司*

Someya, Satoshi*; Ochi, Daisuke*; Ohshima, Hiroyuki; Okamoto, Koji*

燐光剤を合成した感温粒子(Temperature Sensitive Particle)を用い、高速増殖炉燃料ピンバンドルを模擬した7本ピンバンドル体系熱流動試験装置により速度・温度場同時計測を実施した。本計測では、感温粒子にパルスレーザーを照射し、高速度カメラで撮影した燐光画像から速度場を算出するとともに、時々刻々と減衰する燐光強度から温度を同時に評価した。これにより、数値解析手法の検証に有用なデータを取得した。

Temperature sensitive particles incorporating phosphor molecules were synthesized. These particles, suitable for particle image velocimetry, were used to measure the velocity and temperature distributions in water flowing through a wire-wrapped rod bundle system, which simulated the fuel rod system in a fast breeder reactor. The particles were illuminated by a pulse laser at 20 Hz. A high speed camera was used to record 30 particle images at intervals of 25$$sim$$50 micro seconds (20$$sim$$40 kHz) for each excitation laser pulse. From each series of images the velocity and temperature fields were calculated. This measurement technique should contribute to the experimental validation of numerical simulations for the safe design of fast breeder reactors.



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