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Report No.

Neutron powder diffraction and difference MEM analysis of D$$_{2}$$O- and H$$_{2}$$O-dissolved Ba(Sn,In)O$$_{3}$$ proton conductors, 2; Application to actual data and its evaluation

Shiotani, Shinya*; Nagasaki, Takanori*; Igawa, Naoki   ; Iwasaki, Kota*; Yoshino, Masahito*; Fukazawa, Hiroshi; Utsumi, Wataru

A difference maximum entropy method (MEM) analysis was applied to actual neutron powder diffraction data of D$$_{2}$$O- and H$$_{2}$$O- dissolved Ba(Sn,In)O$$_{3}$$. It was found that a difference MEM analysis provided to be effective to improve the spatial resolution of MEM mapping for the structure around hydrogen atoms.



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