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Report No.

Development of a coupled thermal; Hydraulic model for near-field behavior of high-level radioactive waste repository

Suzuki, Hideaki; Nakama, Shigeo ; Kimura, Makoto; Fujita, Tomoo 

In order to validate the THMC model, it is essential to compare with results of coupled behavior experiments in laboratory or in situ. The engineered scale experimental studies under controlled boundary in laboratory conditions has been carried out with simulated engineered barrier system equipment This paper presents the results of measured data and simulation of the coupled thermal and hydraulic for the period of 830 days. As a result, the following coupled processes were clear, temperature distribution and re-saturation behavior of buffer material by embedded sensor during experiment and sampling. And also the TH processes could be simulated with a developed model. These results provide basic information for the purpose of understanding and modeling of the mechanical and chemical phenomena in this experiment.



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