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Report No.

Oxygen adsorption enhanced by translational kinetic energy of oxygen molecule on Si(111)-7$$times$$7 observed by real-time photoelectron spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation

Yoshigoe, Akitaka ; Teraoka, Yuden

It is known that the adsorption process of O$$_{2}$$ on Si(111)-7$$times$$7 is changed by the translational kinetic energy (E$$_{k}$$): trapping-mediated adsorption mechanism occurs at lower than approximately 0.07eV and direct adsorption mechanism is dominate above 0.07eV. The adsorption mechanism is clarified through the E$$_{k}$$ dependence of initial sticking probability, but the relation between time evolution of oxygen bonding configurations and E$$_{k}$$ has not been understood. In this study, the role of E$$_{k}$$ is investigated by real-time photoelectron spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation at room temperature. The time evolution is almost same as 0.03eV when the E$$_{k}$$ is 0.07eV. This result suggests that trapping probability to precursor state dominates the initial adsorption process. On the other hand, the enhancement of formation rates of ${it ins}$ oxygen and the simultaneous creation of both Si$$^{3+}$$ and Si$$^{4+}$$ oxidation states are observed when E$$_{k}$$ changes from 0.07eV to 0.15eV. This result implyes that the probability of direct adsorption for both molecularly chemisorption and dissociatively that increases without the reaction path of precursor states.



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