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Report No.

Initial oxidation of Si(110) as studied by real-time synchrotron-radiation X-ray photomission spectroscopy

Suemitsu, Maki*; Yamamoto, Yoshihisa*; Togashi, Hideaki*; Enta, Yoshiharu*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka ; Teraoka, Yuden

Initial oxidation processes of the Si(110) surface and the chemical bonding states of silicon atoms in the initial oxides have been investigated by using real-time synchrotron-radiation photoemission spectroscopy. Time evolutions of the Si$$^{n+}$$ ($$n$$=1-4) components in the Si 2$$p$$ spectrum indicates that the Si$$^{3+}$$ component always overwhelms the Si$$^{4+}$$ component during the oxidation up to one monolayer. This is in sharp contrast to the Si(001) surface where Si$$^{4+}$$ is always larger than Si$$^{3+}$$. The dominance of the Si$$^{3+}$$ component is related to presence of two types of bonds on the Si(110) surface and to their possible different reactivity against insertion of oxygen atoms.



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Category:Engineering, Electrical & Electronic



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