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Retrospective dosimetry using Japanese brick quartz; A Way forward despite an unstable fast decaying OSL signal

市販レンガ(石英)を用いた線量測定法; 不安定なOSLシグナルでの測定

藤田 博喜; Jain, M.*; Murray, A. S.*

Fujita, Hiroki; Jain, M.*; Murray, A. S.*


Quartz extracted from burnt bricks has been previously suggested for use in dose estimation in accident dosimetry. In this study the thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) characteristics of quartz extracted from a Japanese commercial red brick produced by Mishima - Renga - Seizoujyo Co. are studied. A comparison of TL and OSL signals allows identification of common source traps. It is observed that OSL from the Japanese brick quartz shows unusual thermal and optical decay characteristics. In particular, the initial OSL signal contains a dominant thermally unstable component, which necessitates a prior heat treatment. Based on these luminescence characteristics, a single - aliquot regenerative - dose (SAR) protocol is developed and tested. Using this OSL SAR protocol a minimum detection limit of $$sim$$ 65 mGy was estimated; this value is similar to that from violet TL dosimetry and similar to that obtained using electron spin resonance dosimetry. Finally, dose - depth profiles after irradiation using $$^{60}$$Co and $$^{137}$$Cs were measured on two different commercial brick types (Mishima - Renga - Seizoujyo Co. and Hase - Renga Co.). The dose - depth profiles obtained using these sources were distinguishable within experimental errors. It is concluded that OSL from Japanese brick quartz could be used successfully to derive precise estimates of accident dose, and, possibly, distinguish between sources of $$gamma$$ radiation in a nuclear accident.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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