Experimental results of the -ray imaging capability with a Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton camera
Takeda, Shinichiro*; Aono, Hiroyuki*; Okuyama, Sho*; Ishikawa, Shinnosuke*; Odaka, Hirokazu*; Watanabe, Shin*; Kokubun, Motohide*; Takahashi, Tadayuki*; Nakazawa, Kazuhiro*; Tajima, Hiroyasu*; Kawachi, Naoki
A semiconductor Compton camera that combines silicon (Si) and Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) detectors was developed, and its imaging capability was examined with various kinds of -ray targets such as a point source, arranged point sources and an extended source. The camera consists of one double-sided Si strip detector and four layers of CdTe pad detectors, and was designed to minimize the distance between a scatterer and the target. This is because the spatial resolution with Compton imaging improves as the target approaches the scatterer. This new camera realizes a minimum distance of 25 mm. By placing the target at a distance of 30 mm from the detector, resolving power better than 3 mm was demonstrated experimentally for a 364 keV (I) -ray. Positional determination with accuracy of 1 mm was also demonstrated. As a deconvolution method, we selected the iteration algorithm (called List-Mode Expectation-Maximizing Maximum Likelihood), and applied it to several kinds of experimental data. The Compton back projection images of the arranged point sources and an extended object were successfully deconvolved.