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燃料デブリベッドの運動特性に関する基礎的研究; 平成19年度研究報告(共同研究)

Fundamental study on dynamic behaviors of fuel debris bed; Research report in 2007 (Joint research)

守田 幸路*; 福田 研二*; 松元 達也*; 飛田 吉春; 鈴木 徹; 山野 秀将   

Morita, Koji*; Fukuda, Kenji*; Matsumoto, Tatsuya*; Tobita, Yoshiharu; Suzuki, Toru; Yamano, Hidemasa


It is important to make a reasonable evaluation of coolability of debris bed with decay heat source in assessing post accident heat removal of a liquid metal cooled fast reactor. In general, the coolability of fuel debris depends on coolant convection, boiling and debris bed movement. In the present study, to understand fundamental characteristics of debris movement, self-leveling behavior caused by the coolant boiling was investigated experimentally using simulant materials. The present experiments employed depressurization boiling of water to simulate void distribution in a debris bed, which consists of solid particles of alumina. A rough estimation model of self-leveling occurrence was proposed and compared with the experimental results. Its extrapolation to reactor accident conditions was also discussed. In addition, solid-liquid flow experiments, which are relevant to debris bed movement behaviors, were analyzed to verify the validity of multiphase flow models employed in a safety analysis code. In the present verification study, basic validity of the code was demonstrated by analyzing experiments of water-column sloshing with solid particles.



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