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 年 ~ 


Survey of transuranium nuclides in low level liquid effluents from the Tokai Reprocessing Plant

河野 恭彦  ; 檜山 佳典; 中野 政尚 ; 武石 稔 

Kono, Takahiko; Hiyama, Yoshinori; Nakano, Masanao; Takeishi, Minoru


We surveyed the concentration levels of TRU nuclides in the effluent discharged from the Tokai Reprocessing Plant (TRP) from 1998 to 2003 as the former stage of FBR cycle. It was confirmed that the TRU nuclides concentration discharged from the TRP was 1/150 $$sim$$ 1/10$$^{6}$$ much lower than the concentration limit authorized in governmental notification. Then, we compared the normalized discharge amounts from the TRP with those from the foreign reprocessing plants. As a result, the TRP has reduced the amounts of discharged nuclides, by the order of 1/100 $$sim$$ 1/10$$^{7}$$ compared with foreign ones. This survey provided the important and basic data in order to compare the liquid discharges of TRU nuclides in FBR and the present nuclear fuel cycles.



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