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Fracture estimation method for pipe with multiple circumferential surface flaws


Li, Y.* ; 長谷川 邦夫*; 鬼沢 邦雄 ; 下元 正義*

Li, Y.*; Hasegawa, Kunio*; Onizawa, Kunio; Shimomoto, Masayoshi*


When a flaw is detected in a stainless steel piping system of a nuclear power plant during in-service inspection, the fracture estimation method provided in the codes such as the ASME Code Section XI or the JSME S NA-1-2004 can be applied to evaluate the integrity of the pipe. However, in these current codes, the fracture estimation method is only provided for the pipe containing a single flaw, although multiple flaws such as stress corrosion cracks have actually been detected in the same circumference of stainless steel piping systems. In this paper, a fracture estimation method is proposed by formula for multiple independent circumferential flaws with any number and arbitrary distribution in the same circumference of the pipe. Using the proposed method, the numerical solutions are compared with the experimental results to verify its validity, and several numerical examples are provided to show its effectiveness.



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