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Report No.

Fast reactor physics and plant dynamics experiments using the experimental fast reactor Joyo simulator

Okawachi, Yasushi ; Maeda, Shigetaka   ; Ito, Chikara   ; Kawahara, Hirotaka ; Aoyama, Takafumi ; Ishida, Koichi

This report summarizes the contents about "Reactor physics and plant dynamics experiments using the Joyo simulator" which is one of the training themes. Training is performed using the full scope nuclear reactor simulator for Joyo operation training. While pushing from starting of a nuclear reactor in each experiment of criticality, a control rod proofreading examination, measurement of the temperature of a nuclear reactor, or the reactivity coefficient accompanying output change, feedback reactivity measurement of a fast reactor, etc. and understanding self-regulating characteristics peculiar to a nuclear reactor, the operation of a nuclear reactor can be experienced.



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