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高速増殖炉サイクル実用化研究開発(FaCTプロジェクト); フェーズI中間取りまとめ

Fast Reactor Cycle Technology Development Project (FaCT Project); Phase I (Interim report)

次世代原子力システム研究開発部門; 日本原子力発電*

Advanced Nuclear System Research and Development Directorate; Japan Atomic Power Company*


JAEA and JAPC launched Fast Reactor cycle Technology Development Project (FaCT) in 2006. "The JAEA sodium-cooled loop-type fast reactor (JSFR) with MOX fuel, the advanced aqueous reprocessing, and the simplified pelletizing fuel fabrication systems" have been studied as a main concept in the FaCT project. JAEA targets 2015 in which the design concept that fulfills the development target and the design requirement is to be proposed. R&D system and R&D progress management have been improved and firmly established. Based on the indication of Japan Atomic Energy Commission and in cooperation with related organizations, R&Ds and design studies have been executed to evaluate innovative technologies. Direction in the adoption of the innovative technologies is to be determined in 2010. To attain this step, this report describes progress and results, and specifies issues and countermeasures upto 2008. This report also indicates future study procedure of the FaCT project.



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