※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

A Dispersive, lane-consistent coupled-channel optical model based on soft-rotator theory for accurate calculation of nuclear reaction data


千葉 敏; Soukhovitski, E. Sh.*; Capote, R.*; Quesada, J.*

Chiba, Satoshi; Soukhovitski, E. Sh.*; Capote, R.*; Quesada, J.*

これまで核子入射反応の計算のために開発してきたチャンネル結合模型OPTMANを拡張し、(p,n)反応を記述できるようレーン模型を組み込んだ。これによって、(n,n), (p,p), (p,n)反応の同時解析を200MeV程度のエネルギーまで行うことが可能となり、核データ評価やさまざまな核反応率の計算に用いることが可能となった。

Coupled-channels optical model code OPTMAN is widely applied to analyze experimental nucleon-nucleus interaction data. Sophisticated dispersive optical potential forms had been included in the code along with the possibility to calculate direct excitations of isobar analog states in (p,n) reactions. The latter along with accounting of the proton "effective" energy decrease due to Coulomb repulsion by nuclei, leads to full Lane-consistent optical potential. Such approach had been successfully applied to nucleon-nucleus interaction reaction analyses of experimental data for several nuclei up to 200 MeV incident energies.



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