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Report No.

Study plan for research on long-term stability of geological environments in FY2009

Yasue, Kenichi; Hanamuro, Takahiro  ; Kokubu, Yoko   ; Ishimaru, Tsuneari ; Umeda, Koji

The Japanese islands are located in the tectonically active Circum-Pacific Mobile Belt. As a result, Japan has a high frequency of earthquakes and eruptions. Special consideration is given to the long-term stability of the geological environment in Japan. Development of investigation technologies for geotectonic events has been carried out to evaluate the long-term stability of the geological environment in Japan. The research activity in fiscal year 2009 composes of the following contents. Concerning earthquakes and fault movement, we continue to develop investigation techniques for evolutional history and activity of fault, and carry out case studies for development of effective assessment models in the fault zones. For volcanological and geothermal studies, we plan to provide an integrated approach for detecting crustal magma and/or geothermal fluid in deep underground using geophysical and geochemical data, and models assessing the likelihood of future volcanism and its influence on the geological environments. Concerning uplift, denudation, climatic change and sea-level change, we plan to arrange investigation techniques for reconstruction of paleo-topography and paleo-climate, and to establish modeling techniques for landform changes. In addition, we develop dating methods that are necessary for these studies.



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