Simple and rapid determination methods for low-level radioactive wastes generated from nuclear research facilities (Guidelines for determination of radioactive waste samples)
亀尾 裕
; 島田 亜佐子
; 石森 健一郎
; 原賀 智子
; 片山 淳
; 星 亜紀子
; 中島 幹雄
Kameo, Yutaka; Shimada, Asako; Ishimori, Kenichiro; Haraga, Tomoko; Katayama, Atsushi; Hoshi, Akiko; Nakashima, Mikio
Simple and rapid determination methods were developed for an evaluation of important nuclides, U, and Th in wastes generated from research facilities at Nuclear Science Research Institute and Oarai Research and Development Center. The present methods were assumed to apply to solidified products made from miscellaneous wastes by plasma melting at the Advanced Volume Reduction Facilities. In order to reduce costs of radiochemical analysis and to establish a routine analytical system, counting efficiency of non-destructive
-ray measurements was improved, and times for pretreatment of solidified product samples and subsequent radiochemical separations were shortened. In addition to this, rapid and high sensitive detection methods were developed for a determination of long-lived nuclides. The present paper describes guidelines for the determination of radionuclides in the low-level radioactive wastes by using the present simple and rapid methods.