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Current status of FaCT (Fast Reactor Cycle Technology Development) project; JSFR (Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor) design study and R&D progress

高速増殖炉実用化研究開発の現況; 先進ループ型ナトリウム冷却高速炉の設計研究及び研究開発の進捗

青砥 紀身 ; 宇都 成昭  ; 小竹 庄司*

Aoto, Kazumi; Uto, Nariaki; Kotake, Shoji*


The progress of the design study and the related R&D on JSFR which have been carried out in the FaCT project is presented. A compact reactor vessel is designed to pursue to enhance economical performance, and R&D for this design, such as optimization of the in-vessel hydraulics, is in progress, together with trying to reflect the results to the design. Trial manufacturing for the components of the double-walled tube SG and development of the under sodium viewing technology have been also performed. A plan of a large-scale sodium test complex has been started to demonstrate the innovative technologies for JSFR. Efforts have been made to explore the possibilities of sharing and/or collaborating in the development of the innovative technologies by an international cooperation.



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