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高速炉原子炉容器の高温構造設計評価技術の開発,4; ラチェットひずみの316FRクリープ疲労強度への影響

Development of elevated temperature structural design method for fast reactor vessels, 4; Effect of ratcheting strain on 316FR creep-fatigue strength

川崎 信史 ; 伊達 新吾*; 菊地 浩一*; 磯部 展宏*; 笠原 直人

Kawasaki, Nobuchika; Date, Shingo*; Kikuchi, Koichi*; Isobe, Nobuhiro*; Kasahara, Naoto


The effect of ratcheting strain on creep-fatigue strength was investigated in order to adjust the strain limit. Ratcheting creep-fatigue tests were conducted at 600 $$^{circ}$$C with 1 hr hold time. Creep fatigue lives did not decrease when the accumulated strain was superimposed within 5%. Therefore the effect of ratcheting on creep-fatigue strength is negligible when accumulated strain exceeds 2%.



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