Recent activities related to the development of the plasma facing components for the ITER and fusion DEMO plant
鈴木 哲; 江里 幸一郎; 関 洋治; 横山 堅二; 廣瀬 貴規; 森 清治; 榎枝 幹男
Suzuki, Satoshi; Ezato, Koichiro; Seki, Yohji; Yokoyama, Kenji; Hirose, Takanori; Mori, Seiji; Enoeda, Mikio
JAEA is going to procure the whole ITER divertor outer vertical target. The qualification of the ITER divertor components has been started to validate the technical capability of the domestic agencies. JAEA has developed vertical target qualification prototypes which cover most of the critical technical issues toward the series of production. The prototypes have been high heat flux tested in Efremov institute, and showed sufficient durability at 20 MW/m. JAEA has successfully obtained the certification from ITER organization. Development of a breeding blanket is one of the most important issues to realize DEMO plant. The engineering testing of the Test Blanket Module (TBM) in ITER is a key milestone toward the DEMO blanket. R&D's on the water-cooled solid breeder blanket has been performed in JAEA. A full-scale length TBM first wall mock-up made of F82H, has been developed by using HIP bonding technique. This mock-up showed sound thermal performance in the high heat flux test.