※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Shaking table tests with large test specimens of seismically isolated FBR plants, 1; Response behavior of test specimen under design ground motions

FBR免震プラントの大型震動台試験,1; 設計地震動レベル加振における応答性状

北村 誠司 ; 森下 正樹 ; 矢花 修一*; 平田 和太*; 梅木 克彦*

Kitamura, Seiji; Morishita, Masaki; Yabana, Shuichi*; Hirata, Kazuta*; Umeki, Katsuhiko*

The ultimate behavior test was performed using one of the world largest three-dimensional shaking tables "E-Defense" of National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention of Japan. Test specimen consists of concrete blocks, reinforced concrete walls and isolation layer with six laminated rubber bearing with lead plug (LRB). The diameter of the LRB is 505 mm that reduced prototype dimensions to about 1/3. In this paper, details of the test specimen including the LRB and loading conditions are described. Response behavior of the test specimen under design ground motions is also reported. The response acceleration of a horizontal direction measured at the upper structure of the specimen was reduced. Prior to the ultimate behavior tests with strong input waves, the response reduction functions of the test specimen under design ground motions were confirmed.



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