「常陽」照射試験用金属燃料要素の溶接試験; 予備試験及び溶接施行試験(共同研究)
Welding of metallic fuel elements for the irradiation test in JOYO; Preliminary tests and welding execution tests (Joint research)
菊地 啓修
; 中村 勤也*; 岩井 孝; 荒井 康夫
Kikuchi, Hironobu; Nakamura, Kinya*; Iwai, Takashi; Arai, Yasuo
Irradiation tests of metallic fuels elements in fast test reactor JOYO are planned under the joint research of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI). Six U-Pu-Zr fuel elements clad with ferritic martensitic steel are fabricated in Plutonium Fuel Research Facility (PFRF) of JAEA-Oarai for the first time in Japan. In PFRF, the procedures of fabrication of the fuel elements were determined and the test runs of the equipments were carried out before the welding execution tests for the fuel elements. Test samples for confirming the welding condition between the cladding tube and top and bottom endplugs were prepared, and various test runs were carried out before the welding execution tests. As a result, the welding conditions were finalized by passing the welding execution tests.