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 年 ~ 


Development of evaluation method for hot spot in core of fast reactor under transient condition from forced to natural circulation decay heat removal

大島 宏之; 上出 英樹 ; 堂田 哲広  ; 渡辺 収*; 大久保 良幸*

Ohshima, Hiroyuki; Kamide, Hideki; Doda, Norihiro; Watanabe, Osamu*; Okubo, Yoshiyuki*


In the conceptual design study of Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (JSFR), adoption of a decay heat removal system (DHRS) utilizing passive natural circulation is being examined as one of innovative technologies to improve economical competitiveness and reactor safety at the same time. In order to adopt such a passive DHRS in a large scale SFR, it is necessary to clarify the core cooling capability. In this presentation, a new evaluation method of core peak temperature is proposed, which takes account of buoyancy force effects (e.g., flow redistribution in core/fuel assemblies and inter-assembly heat transfer) and uncertainty factors under the natural circulation conditions.



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