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 年 ~ 

照射試験炉センターの活動報告; 2008年度

Annual report of the Neutron Irradiation and Testing Reactor Center FY2008; April 1, 2008 - March 31, 2009


Neutron Irradiation and Testing Reactor Center


The JMTR, one of the most high flux test reactors in the world, has been used for the irradiation experiments of fuels and materials related to LWRs, fundamental research and radioisotope productions. The JMTR was stopped at the beginning of August 2006 to conduct refurbishment works, and the reoperation will be planned from FY 2011. After reoperation, the JMTR will contribute to many fields, such as the lifetime extension of LWRs, expansion of industrial use, progress of science and technology. This report summarizes the activities on refurbishment works, development of new irradiation techniques, enhancement of reactor availability, etc.



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