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Study on high conversion type core of innovative water reactor for flexible fuel cycle (FLWR) for minor actinide (MA) recycling


深谷 裕司   ; 中野 佳洋 ; 大久保 努

Fukaya, Yuji; Nakano, Yoshihiro; Okubo, Tsutomu


In order to ensure sustainable energy supplies based on the well-established light water reactor (LWR) technologies, conceptual design studies have been performed on the innovative water reactor for flexible fuel cycle (FLWR) with the high conversion ratio core. For early introduction of FLWR, the conceptual design of the high conversion type one (HC-FLWR) was constructed. Furthermore, the investigation of minor actinide (MA) recycling based on the HC-FLWR core concept has been performed in this study. It would be a good option as early introduction if HC-FLWR can recycle MAs. To recycle MAs in HC-FLWR, the core design should be changed. Then, the investigation on the core characteristics were performed using the results from parameter surveys with core burn-up calculations. The major core specifications are as follows. The Puf content is 13wt%. The discharge burn-up is about 55 GWd/t. Around 2wt% of Np or Am can be recycled. The MA conversion ratios are around unity.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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