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Multi-antikaonic nuclei in relativistic mean-field theory


武藤 巧*; 丸山 敏毅  ; 巽 敏隆*

Muto, Takumi*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*


Properties of multi-antikaonic nuclei (MKN), where several numbers of $$K^-$$ mesons are bound, are studied in the relativistic mean-field model, combined with chiral dynamics for kaonic part of the thermodynamic potential. The density profiles for nucleons and $$K^-$$ mesons, the single particle energy of the $$K^-$$ mesons, and binding energy of the MKN are obtained. The effects of the $$bar K-bar K$$ interactions on these quantities are discussed in comparison with other meson ($$sigma$$, $$omega$$, and $$rho$$)-exchange models. It is shown that the $$bar K-bar K$$ interactions originate from two contributions: One is the contact interaction between antikaons inherent in chiral symmetry, and the other is the one generated through coupling between the $$K^-$$ and meson mean fields. Both effects of the $$bar K-bar K$$ repulsive interactions become large on the ground state properties of the MKN as the number of the embedded $$K^-$$ mesons increases. A relation between the multi-antikaonic nuclei and kaon condensation in infinite and uniform matter is mentioned.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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