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Effect of conformational states on protein dynamical transition


中川 洋   ; 上久保 裕生*; 片岡 幹雄

Nakagawa, Hiroshi; Kamikubo, Hironari*; Kataoka, Mikio


In order to examine the properties specific to the folded protein, the effect of the conformational states on protein dynamical transition was studied by incoherent elastic neutron scattering for both wild type and a deletion mutant of staphylococcal nuclease. The deletion mutant of SNase which lacks C-terminal 13 residues takes a compact denatured structure, and can regard as a model of intrinsic unstructured protein. Incoherent elastic neutron scattering experiments were carried out at various temperature between 10K and 300K on IN10 and IN13 installed at ILL. Temperature dependence of mean square displacements was obtained by the q-dependence of elastic scattering intensity. The measurements were performed on dried and hydrated powder samples. No significant differences were observed between wild type and the mutant for the hydrated samples, while significant differences were observed for the dried samples. A dynamical transition at 140K observed for both dried and hydrated samples. The slopes of the temperature dependence of MSD before transition and after transition are different between wild type and the mutant, indicating the folding induces hardening. The hydration water activates a further transition at 240K. The behavior of the temperature dependence of MSD is indistinguishable for wild type and the mutant, indicating that hydration water dynamics dominate the dynamical properties.



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分野:Biochemistry & Molecular Biology



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