※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Practical application of the KMS, 1; Total system performance assessment

知識マネジメントシステムの適用,1; 総合性能評価

牧野 仁史 ; 日置 一雅 ; 梅木 博之; Yang, H.*; 高瀬 博康*; McKinley, I. G.*

Makino, Hitoshi; Hioki, Kazumasa; Umeki, Hiroyuki; Yang, H.*; Takase, Hiroyasu*; McKinley, I. G.*


This paper will outline the reformulation of PA as a Knowledge Management (KM) task, discuss application of knowledge management technologies to PA tasks, and illustrate how these can be handled electronically in a "Performance assessment All-In-one Report System (PAIRS)" utilising hyperlinks and embedded tools to minimise duplication of material, ease Quality Assurance (QA) and facilitate the regular updating required in the Japanese programme.



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