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Modelling on the swelling of Na-bentonite in the saturated condition based on the thermodynamic properties of interlayer water in Na-montmorillonite


佐藤 治夫

Sato, Haruo


Swelling pressure versus Na-montmorillonite partial density was estimated for solutions of various salinities (pure water, NaCl solutions, artificial saline water, Horonobe groundwater) based on the thermodynamic data of the interlayer water of Na-montmorillonite and of water in the solutions of various salinities coming in contact with the montmorillonite and compared to data measured under the same salinities for various kinds and different silica sand contents of bentonites. The calculated swelling pressures decreased with increasing salinity. This is in good agreement with the fact that swelling pressure of bentonite generally decreases with increasing salinity. Since all measurements were carried out under the condition that soluble minerals remain being contained, all measured data are considered to contain the effect of the increase of the ionic strength of porewater by dissolution of the soluble minerals and the calculated values were within the range of the scattering in the measured data. By this model, swelling pressures for various Na-montmorillonite contents and silica sand contents of bentonites saturated with solutions of various salinities can be calculated as a function of the bentonites. Furthermore, an analysis for THMC coupled processes can be also carried out by considering those enthalpy and entropy data.



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