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Report No.

Reevaluation of thermodynamic data for hydroxide and hydrolysis species of palladium(II) using the Bro nsted-Guggenheim-Scatchard Model

Kitamura, Akira  ; Yui, Mikazu

Thermodynamic data for palladium(II) in Pd$$^{2+}$$-OH$$^{-}$$-ClO$$_{4}$$$$^{-}$$ system were obtained through critical reviews and reinterpretations of literature data using the Bro nsted-Guggenheim-Scatchard Model. The solubility product of palladium(II) hydroxide, the hydrolysis constants of palladium(II), and ion interaction coefficients between palladium(II) species and electrolyte ions were determined with 95% confidence interval. The thermodynamic data thus obtained help accurately predict the solubility limiting concentrations of palladium(II) as a function of hydrogen ion concentration in dilute to relatively concentrated solutions.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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