※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

過渡時の自然循環による除熱特性解析手法の開発,10; 炉心高温点評価手法の開発,3

Development of evaluation methods for decay heat removal by natural circulation under transient conditions, 10; Development of evaluation methods for hot spot in core, 3

堂田 哲広  ; 大島 宏之; 上出 英樹 ; 渡辺 収*; 大久保 良幸*

Doda, Norihiro; Ohshima, Hiroyuki; Kamide, Hideki; Watanabe, Osamu*; Okubo, Yoshiyuki*


Toward the commercialization of sodium cooled fast reactors, adoption of fully natural circulation system is being examined as the decay heat removal system. This paper introduces investigations on a simplified evaluation method for hot spot in core of fast reactor under natural circulation.



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