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東濃地域を事例とした地形変化及び気候変動による地下水流動特性の長期的変化の推定にかかわる方法論の構築,1; 調査データに基づく過去数十万年の古地形・古気候の推定及び地質構造のモデル化

Study of the methodology for estimation of the influence of long-term topographic and climate change on deep groundwater flow conditions in case of Tono area, 1; Estimatation of paleo-topographic features and paleo-climate for several hundreds of thousand years and geological modeling based on field investigations

尾上 博則* ; 塩見 哲也*; 草野 友宏; 安江 健一; 小坂 寛; 三枝 博光; 竹内 竜史  ; 田力 正好*

Onoe, Hironori*; Shiomi, Tetsuya*; Kusano, Tomohiro; Yasue, Kenichi; Kosaka, Hiroshi; Saegusa, Hiromitsu; Takeuchi, Ryuji; Tajikara, Masayoshi*


To study the methodology for estimation of the influence of long-term topographic and climate change on deep groundwater flow condition, we estimated of paleo-topography and paleo-climate for past several hundred thousand years based on data from research and field investigations and built geological structured model that considered paleo-topography distribution in case of Gifu Tono area. As a result, we showed technique to restore paleo-topography distribution for three dimensions from fluvial terrace surface data dotted along a river in utilizing DEM data and GIS. In addition, we showed estimate method of climate of glacial epoch and quantity of cultivation of groundwater by near-surface hydrological observation data, pollen fossil analysis and expenditure calculation based on them. Furthermore, we built three-dimensional geological structured model that was base on carrying out groundwater flow analysis by utilizing bygones information.



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