Replacement technique for front acrylic panels of a large size glove box using bag-in / bag-out method
遠藤 慎也; 沼田 正美; 市瀬 健一 ; 西 雅裕; 古宮 友和; 桜庭 直敏; 宇佐美 浩二; 冨田 健
Endo, Shinya; Numata, Masami; Ichise, Kenichi; Nishi, Masahiro; Komiya, Tomokazu; Sakuraba, Naotoshi; Usami, Koji; Tomita, Takeshi
For safety operation and maintenance of the large size glove box, the degraded acrylic panels of the box must be replaced by the new panels. As the conventional replacement technique, the decontamination of the glove box and installation of isolation tent are necessary to prevent the leak of contamination, because airtight condition of the box is broken down during replacement process. Therefore, the prerequisite works are required considerable manpower. The new replacement technique using bag-in / bag-out method was developed by JAEA. In this technique, for keeping the airtight condition of the box, the inside of degraded panel is covered with an airtight panel and the outside is covered over the large bag which is used to replace the acrylic panels. As the benefits of this technique, the prerequisite works are not required and the manpower is less than a third of the conventional technique.