※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Polymer model for zeolite thermochemical stability


Arthur, R. C.*; 笹本 広   ; Walker, C.; 油井 三和

Arthur, R. C.*; Sasamoto, Hiroshi; Walker, C.; Yui, Mikazu


Regarding to geological disposal of high level radioactive waste, long-term evolution of chemical condition in the rock mass by interactions of cementitious grout and rock would be predicted, if the grout is used for reducing the groundwater inflow during construction of drifts. Evolution of chemical condition is important because it could affect the evaluation of radionuclides migration for performance assessment. Zeolite is one of important alteration minerals by interactions of cementitious grout and rock. For evaluation of long-term evolution of chemical condition, it is necessary to develop thermodynamic data for alteration minerals like zeolite. The present paper proposes a revised model to derive more reliable thermodynamic data for zeolite. Additionally, a possibility to apply this revised model on other important alteration minerals is suggested.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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