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Design of lower divertor for JT-60SA


櫻井 真治; 東島 智; 林 孝夫; 芝間 祐介; 増尾 大慈*; 尾崎 豪嗣; 逆井 章; 柴沼 清

Sakurai, Shinji; Higashijima, Satoru; Hayashi, Takao; Shibama, Yusuke; Masuo, Hiroshige*; Ozaki, Hidetsugu; Sakasai, Akira; Shibanuma, Kiyoshi


JT-60SA tokamak project has just started construction phase under both the Japanese domestic program and the Japan-EU international program "ITER Broader Approach". All of plasma facing components (PFC) shall be actively cooled due to high power long pulse plasma heating. Lower single null closed divertor with vertical target (VT) will be installed at the start of experiment phase. Each divertor module covers a 10-degree sector in toroidal direction. PFCs such as VTs, baffles and dome shall be assembled on a divertor cassette, which provides integrated coolant pipe connection to coolant headers in the VV. Static structural analysis for dead weight, coolant pressure and EM loads shows that displacement and stress of the divertor module are generally small but a part of support structure of PFC requires improvement.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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