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Report No.

Electronic structure near the surface region in the ternary transition metal alloy Ti$$_{35}$$V$$_{25}$$Cr$$_{40}$$ by photoemission spectroscopy

Haruyama, Yuichi*; Teraoka, Yuden; Matsui, Shinji*

In this study, we have investigated the chemical composition and the electronic structure near surface region in the ternary transition metal alloy Ti$$_{35}$$V$$_{25}$$Cr$$_{40}$$ by means of photoemission spectroscopy. The photoemission spectra in Ti$$_{35}$$V$$_{25}$$Cr$$_{40}$$ were measured as a function of annealing temperature and photon energy. With increasing annealing temperature, the intensity originating from Ti increased. This indicates that the redistribution of the constituent transition metals was caused by the annealing. From the photon energy dependence of the energy distribution curves and constant initial state spectra in the 3p-3d resonant photoemission region of each transition metal, the orbital character of the observed features in the valence band region was clarified.



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