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 年 ~ 

Holonomic quantum computing in a dimer-chain model via Ising-type interaction


太田 幸宏; 坂東 将光*; 近藤 康*; 中原 幹夫*

Ota, Yukihiro; Bando, Masamitsu*; Kondo, Yasushi*; Nakahara, Mikio*


A reliable and stable way to control the temporal behavior of a quantum system are required to realize quantum computing and quantum state engineering. Quantum computing by using holonomy is called holonomic quantum computing, and is expected to be robust against noise and decoherence. In this paper, we propose the holonomic quantum computing in a dimer-chainmodel. The single qubit is represented by two physical particles with spin 1/2. In the dimer, the two physical particles interact with each other through the Ising-type interaction. Thus, the proposal is applicable for various physical systems, e.g., liquid-state NMR and solid-state systems. We exactly construct one- and two-qubit holonomic quantum gates in term of isospectral deformation of the Hamiltonian.



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