※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

JRR-3改造工事に伴って発生したコンクリートのクリアランス; 汚染状況の調査

Clearance of concrete generated from modification activities of JRR-3; Investigation of contamination situation of concrete

里山 朝紀 ; 岸本 克己 ; 高泉 宏英; 星 亜紀子 ; 大越 実; 立花 光夫

Satoyama, Tomonori; Kishimoto, Katsumi; Takaizumi, Hirohide; Hoshi, Akiko; Okoshi, Minoru; Tachibana, Mitsuo


In the modification activities of JRR-3, a large volume of extremely low-level radioactive concrete debris were generated from dismantling of concrete structure around reactor body during one-piece removal of reactor body. These concrete debris are stored in the waste storage facility NL of the Nuclear Science Research Institute. The applicability of clearance to concrete debris generated from the modification activities of JRR-3 was examined as waste measures in the Nuclear Science Research Institute. First, generated place, amount of volume and radioactivity of concrete debris in the waste storage facility NL were surveyed from records in the modification of JRR-3 and data sheets of radioactive waste stored in the waste storage facility. Next, the radioactivity of samples taken from concrete debris stored in the waste storage facility NL was measured, and distribution of those radioactivity concentration was investigated to evaluate the contamination situation. In addition, activated contamination situation of concrete structure was evaluated by activated calculation. As a result, radioactivity of concrete debris was enough lower than clearance levels, so it was found that concrete debris in the waste storage facility NL was able to treat as clearance materials.



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