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Report No.

Performance testing of vapor-liquid equilibrium type of gas permeation source with vacuum balance

Hatano, Toshihisa; Hiratsuka, Hajime ; Hasegawa, Koichi; Kaifuku, Yuichiro*; Abe, Tetsuya 

In the quantitative measure of air pollution gas and impurity gas in the aluminum recycle material etc, it is requested to show the amount of the gas directly by the weight value from the viewpoint of global standard. Therefore, standard gas sources expressed in units of weight are needed. The vapor-liquid equilibrium type of gas permeation sources (hereafter "P-tube") is used well in the atmosphere as calibration gas of the measuring equipment and a standard gas source for low concentration of gas. The study aims to estimate performance of P-tubes in the vacuum. Specifically, weight change of P-tubes were measured with the vacuum balance and at the same time concentration of gas constituents were also measured by Electron Ionization-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (hereafter, EI-QMS). The relation of both was examined. The prospect was obtained that the P-tube was able to be used as a standard gas source in the vacuum though the warming was needed.



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