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分析法の違いによって露見する放射線DNA損傷の特徴; 分析データの見方と課題

Characteristics of radiation discovered by comparing DNA damage data from some analytical methods

赤松 憲

Akamatsu, Ken


Spectra of DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation are considered to be different among radiation qualities. Although investigators are obtaining information about the difference, it is difficult to conclude overall nature of DNA damage by means of only a method for detecting a DNA damage. So, it is expected that we can have new knowledge by comparing data obtained by two or more individual methodologies. So far, we have obtained some DNA damage information of $$^{60}$$Co $$gamma$$-rays, etc., by comparing data from analytical methods. For example, in yields for single strand break on dry DNA sample induced by $$^{60}$$Co $$gamma$$-rays, we found that the yield obtained by using phosphodiesterase I, by which calculating an absolute strand break yield, is 1.3 - fold larger than that obtained by super coiled plasmid method. This result implies that it is necessary for us to conclude nature of the damage under sufficient discussion about nature of a methodology.



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